Bog Hop With Catherine Scanlon Designs and Art Gone Wild
Catherine Scanlon and friends are hosting a blog hop to celebrate her new line of stamps and stencils from Art Gone Wild. Click the links at the bottom of this post to see how we have found our own creative style with the stamps and stencils. Then loop back to Catherine’s blog because she’s got some fun prizes on offer too.
Two of my favs are the Grid Art Journal Stencil (CSSTL-006) and Cling Stamp Flower Frame 1 (AGC3-2737) flexible designs that can be cute or grungy and the inspiration for my project.
Be Positive uses the grid stencil to create a wire fence line with flowers as a water color as in the background but also popping out through the wires as a feature. Be Positive is a little tag I found that sums up an attitude of shining anyway you can, through fence wires or what ever and just being your own best version of you.
The depth in Catherine’s stamps make them great to use on fabric, on the canvas background and delicate fabric flowers. Just use a good permanent ink like Stayzon to get a solid strong image. The background of the canvas is a watercolour wash. Creating a rustic wire fence is a synch with journal grid stencil, this is a small canvas so the grid will cover most of the background. Working from the bottom corner, use the stencil as a guide and fill with a metallic pen or paint or embossing powder to add a wire grid across 3/4s of the flower background.
Silk is a beautiful natural fibre for painting on but of course the color will run. One of the easiest ways to deal with that is to simply cut the flowers out to use as an embellishment.
Crumpling the petals and fluffing them adds a bit of authenticity, as does height. My sneaky trick for puffy flowers is to tuck a little polyfill behind flower.
Thanks for stopping by and joining our blog party, click the links to see what the rest of this talented group have created.
Art From The Heart by Catherine Scanlon Designs
This Art That Makes me Happy byVicki Chrisman
The Mermaid’s Closet by MarthaRichardson
Kooky Dulcy by Kathis DeLuca
n*Studio by Nat Kalbach
Live the Dream by JennieAtkinson
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