Love is better than anger. Hope is better than fear. Optimism is better than despair.
A great quote from a Canadian politician who believed we all have the power to make a difference.
Am linking to an expat blogging party for the month of Feb and having great fun seeing what everyone has to share. The life of an ex-pat was not one that I would have chosen. My childhood memories are scattered across many continents but one thing that stands out for me in all our adventures, is the beach. No matter where were we have been it was not far from the beach and they have all been so different. The black sand of New Brunswick Canada, my mothers’ rocky gravel shore lines in England were hard on tender toes, foggy misty dunes of Cape Cod, and now the wild and remote beaches of Australia’s east coast. Where ever we go, where ever we wonder, and not matter how different the shore line might look the beach is always home to me.
Joining Linky Parties:
Sky Watch Friday
Chrisy’s Reconnecting With Nature party
Expat Blogging Challenge