
Pleasant Views

“I believe that one of the great problems for individuals is the depression and the tension resulting from existence in a world which is increasingly less pleasing to the eye.” Lady Bird Johnson

Thank goodness we have Sky Watch Friday to celebrate all the beautiful skies that bloggers find from all parts of the globe. Sky Watch reminds me that this can either be a smelly mangrove swamp at low tide on a chilly morning or a nature’s beautiful paintbrush in action, all a matter of choice.

After chasing pretty skies, altered art or mixed media is my favourite creative passion. Altered art can be considered recycling as we find old loved bits & pieces and give them a new life in a different form. Later this month Evelyn in Montreal is hosting a Festival of Postcards with the theme of ‘signs’.

She and her blogging buddies who collect vintage and interesting postcards are allowing us a peek at their treasured finds. Altered Artists, Mixed Media and Mail Art devotes are welcome to participate in our own little altered kind of way. I am working on something special to share on the 24th of July looking forward to seeing how other people use their postcards as a little canvas.