A friend who blogs as MilkCan http://balzerdesigns.typepad.com/ tagged me asking me to post random pieces of information that not everyone might know, so in the spirit of sharing here you go.
1)my daughter introduced me to modern scrapbooking and papercrafts, after a long absence the muse returned and we have had the best fun since
2)my mum is my biggest fan
3)my favourite color is red but it does not show up very often in things that get posted to the gallery or blog
4)will take a nice dark crisp navy over black any day
5)the first thing I remember altering (age 9) was a grocery carton into a Barbie house, Santa must have missed that item on the list so I made I myself
6)the biggest thing I have altered was an old steamer trunk, a gift from friends when I started travelling, although large was surprisingly practical as my closet was always packed and ready to roll
7)today I worked on a new blog banner and signage for classes, it is taking forever to finish and wishing the weekends were one day longer
Being tagged is a good excuse to share a picture of a tag gifted to me from a nice lady by the name of Judy in California. Now off in search of some other friends to pass the tag onto.