
Windy Angels

Mary Anne at Follow Your Bliss is hosting a vintage stocking swap and my swap partnter is Wendy of Windy Angels who blogs beautiful slide shows of photos from Western Canada.

Here is a little peek at some of the accessories to her stocking that is still under development. The pink flecks are an opals glaze they look a bit more like bling than pink in real life.

“How you spend your time defines who you are.” Oprah Winfrey

A quicky done for a holiday themed challenge, guess this is a little out of season but my favourite flowers are hard to pass by at any time of year. Used reproduction of 1947 David Jones Spring advertisement and vintage Easter greeting card, mounted on crackle glazed book cover.

Lastly sunrise in Pillar Valley

not in another place
but this place
not for another hour
but this hour”
Walt Whitman