

This is a mini book I recently taught a class on. The brief was to make it a bit kitchen’y homespun which of course made me think of warm comforting quilts to base the design on.

Our family quilt was started generations in the past.
Designed with love, its pattern’s rich in values that will last.
Each person sews another square of special memories that endure.
While challenges add strength that makes our family pull or add stitching to hold it together.
Threads of closeness, warmth, and caring make it cozy and more comforting with every year of sharing.

for a happy family

In a bowl of loyalty cream together
A family of loving hearts

Mix well with respect & trust
½ cup of friendship

1cup of thoughtfulness
1 pinch of powdered tenderness

1 cup of hope & charity
Add gentleness, laughter and joy

Pour in much understanding (and don’t forget patience)
Moistened with tears of heartfelt sympathy
Bake for a lifetime in a good natured pan
Serve repeatedly to yield one happy growing family